The Mission of Chrysalis
Our Story
As the founder of Chrysalis, Rev. Dr. Kelly Jackson Brooks, LPCC is guided by a foundational set of perspectives and motivations. Growing up as the daughter of an ordained minister she witnessed firsthand the unique demands and stresses her mother experienced on a daily basis. Today, Rev. Dr. Jackson Brooks leads a team of fully licensed and certified mental health professionals united in their passion and calling to serve clergy in need.
Our Team
Rev. Dr. Kelly Jackson Brooks, LPCC
Rev. Dr. Kelly Jackson Brooks, LPCC, Executive Director, holds a Doctor in Ministry from Claremont School of Theology focused on clergy mental health, a Master Degree in Counseling from the University of New Mexico, and a Master Degree in Divinity from United Theological Seminary, and is a Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselor (LPCC). Kelly is the founder of Chrysalis Consulting Center for Clergy and is an ordained United Methodist Minister.
Our Board
Rev. Dr. Mahsea Evans
Rev. Dr. Mahsea Evans is an educator, artist, and ordained minister. Mahsea holds a Doctor in Ministry and a Master in Divinity, and currently serves as the pastor of First United Methodist Church of Sacramento, CA.
Rev. Quentisha Davis Wiles
Reverend Quentisha Davis Wiles is a liberation theologian who believes the Word of God is a living Word and brings freedom and liberty when proclaimed, ingested and applied to one’s life. She examines sacred text from a womanist context which provides an additional lens and perspective to the living gospel. Pastor Q as she is affectionately called has over 25 years in ministry and nine years in parish ministry. She has worked in various levels of ministry including youth director at Concord United Methodist Church, congregational care minister at Jones United Methodist Church, and previously served as senior Pastor at Pittsburg United Methodist Church (PUMC).
Rev. Kinsie Tate
Rev. Kenneth Stewart
Rev. Angela Madden Scott, Esq
Rev. Chaplain Major Brandon Johnson, LMFT
Brandon is the Family Life Chaplain for Fort Huachuca, Arizona where he serves as an Active Duty U.S. Army Chaplain providing direct therapy to Soldiers and family members and is responsible for training all Army chaplains stationed in Arizona in pastoral counseling skills.