Do you have 8 Minutes to Spare?
Recently, a friend shared a YouTube video featuring leadership speaker and author, Simon Sinek. The topic was about being present and aware in your relationships with others, and he focused on the concept of Eight Minutes.
The concept is simple: Eight Minutes may not seem like a lot of time, but based on research, it’s long enough to give someone your full attention, to listen with an open heart, and to offer words of encouragement. It’s short enough to fit into even the busiest of schedules, yet meaningful enough to create a lasting impact.
The idea for this practice was sparked by reflecting on moments of unexpected connection. I think of those times when a brief encounter—a quick coffee break, a passing chat in the hallway—turns into a memorable exchange. These are the small moments when we realize that deep connection doesn’t always require a deep dive; sometimes it’s just about showing up, even if only for a few minutes.
The reality is, we have the ability to create powerful moments of connection in our lives. It begins with a simple question: Do I have 8 minutes to spare?
How to Practice 8 Minutes:
- Set the Intention: Choose someone you’ve been meaning to connect with. It could be a friend, a family member, or a church member you haven’t seen in a while. Set aside 8 minutes, either in person, on the phone, or through a video call.
- Be Present: For these 8 minutes, give the person your full attention. Put away distractions and listen deeply. Ask how they are, and really listen to the answer. Sometimes people just need a space to share what’s on their hearts.
- Offer Encouragement: Use this time to offer a word of kindness or encouragement. Share a scripture that’s been meaningful to you recently or simply express gratitude for the person’s presence in your life.
- Pray Together: If you feel comfortable, offer a brief prayer. It doesn’t have to be long or elaborate; a simple prayer for peace, strength, or gratitude can be a powerful way to close your time together.
The beauty of 8 Minutes is in its simplicity. It’s a reminder that we don’t need to wait for perfect circumstances or large chunks of time to make meaningful connections. We can create moments of grace in our everyday lives, in just 8 minutes.
So, I challenge you this week—reach out to someone. Ask them, Do you have 8 minutes to spare? You may be surprised at how much can change in that short span. A little time can go a long way when it’s filled with intention, love, and the desire to connect.
In a world where we often feel we’re too busy to catch up, let’s reclaim the power of 8 minutes.
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